Bushel's Case

Bushel’s Case (1670) 124 E.R. 1006 (also spelled "Bushell's Case") is a famous English decision on the role of juries. It also confirmed that the Court of Common Pleas could issue a writ of habeas corpus in ordinary criminal cases.[1]



Bushel's Case arose from a previous case involving two Quakers charged with unlawful assembly, William Penn and William Mead. They had been arrested in August 1670 for violating the Conventicle Act, which forbade religious assemblies of more than five people outside the auspices of the Church of England. The judge in their case charged the jury that they "shall not be dismissed until we have a verdict that the court will accept." When the jury acquitted the two men, the judge refused to accept the verdict, fined them and sent them back to deliberate further. Edward Bushel, a member of the jury, refused to pay the fine, at which point the judge threatened him, saying, "[y]ou shall be locked up without meat, drink, fire, and tobacco. You shall not think thus to abuse the court; we will have a verdict, by the help of God, or you shall starve for it."


Bushel petitioned the Court of Common Pleas for a writ of habeas corpus. Sir John Vaughan, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, initially held that the writ should not be granted, saying that it was King's Bench that should issue writs of habeas corpus in ordinary criminal cases and that Common Pleas could issue the writ only on a claim of privilege of the court (e.g., if the petitioner were an attorney of Common Pleas); the other justices issued the writ, however,[2] Vaughan ruled that a jury could not be punished on account of the verdict it returned.


  1. ^ R. J. Sharpe, The Law of Habeas Corpus (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989), 18.
  2. ^ Paul D. Halliday, Habeas Corpus: From England to Empire (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2010), 235–36.


See also